Thank you MAUREEN WYNDHAM of LAURELBURY POODLES trusting me with your beautiful dogs Orange Blossom and Sonny. Blossom has blessed us with 2 litters of pups.. First litter all blacks like their father and the 2nd litter all apricots like their lovely mom. Their father is our Lover Boy (white) who has no apricots in his pedigree. Rodney just loves their color. I think he is partial to the color since he is a red head.
Below are pictures of the pups a few hours old and U.S. Champion Laurelbury Will The Son Shine. Sonny finished with a 5 pt major in the U.S. and needs 2 points in Ontario after a very limited show career .
Thank you Very Much Maureen for your trust and liking my other dogs.
We are also very thankful to Carol Millar and her daughter Lisa doing such a great job with Sonny. Your care, grooming and showing of Sonny cannot be matched. Thank you SO MUCH.